Friday, May 31, 2019
Paulo Freire and William Brickman Essays -- education, scholars
This paper briefly compares two important figures that have major(ip) contributions in education. The paper includes both educators Paulo Freire and William Brickman and discusses their contributions to the field of Education. In all, this paper reveals the struggle each person had to overcome to advance in their research, the comparisons and differences between them, as swell up as reasons that might have impacted their success.IMPORTANT SCHOLARS PAULO FREIRE AND WILLIAM BRICKMAN 3The Contributions Paulo Freire and his family had no option but to relocate to the countryside of Brazil due to the Crash of Wall pathway in 1929 (Flanagan, 2005). Freire personally endured the effects poverty had on education at a young age while living next to impoverished peasantry (Flanagan, 2005). Freire was competent to grasp how education is used as a tool by the oppressor to keep the oppressed systemically controlled, dominated, and suppressed (Flanagan, 200 5). The oppressed people understood how education in conventional schooling was used by the oppressor to ensure that they lived with the understanding that they are worthless. In this conventional system Freire explained that the teachers are the narrators of knowledge and students are passive learners (Flanagan, 2005).Freire similarly contributed to a system where students are passive learners and their job is to listen as the teacher provides them with content of their knowledge, this system is called The Banking Concept of Education. One way that Freire sought to stimulate this process was by introducing student and teacher discussions. Students would learn by experience and practice, this process would integrate problem solving activities and perso... ...est Education Ever London Continuum internationalist Publishing. Freire, Paulo, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, trans, by Myra Bergman Ramos, Harmondsworth Penguin Books, 1972.Flanagan, Frank M. Greatest Educators Eve r. London, GBR Continuum International Publishing, 2005. p 241. http// Copyright 2005. Continuum International Publishing. All rights reserved.Silova, I., & Brehm, W. C. (2010). For the Love of Knowledge. European Education, 42(2), 17- 36. Doi 2753/EUE1056-4934420202. Swing, E.S. (1987). In memoriam William W. Brickman (1913-1986). relative Education Review, 31(1), 1-6. Retrieved online from http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Racism In Huck Finn Essay -- essays research papers
The conflict between society and the individual is a theme portrayed throughout Twains huckleberry Finn. Huck was not raised in accord with the accepted ways of civilization. Huck faces many aspects of society, which makes him choose his avow individuality over civilization. He practically raises himself, relying on instinct to evanesce him through life. As portrayed several times in the novel, Huck chooses to follow his innate sense of right, yet he does not realize that his own instincts are more moral than those of society. From the very beginning of Hucks story, Huck without a doubt states that he did not want to conform to society "The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me... I got into my old rags and my sugar hogshead again, and was stark and satisfied"(Twain, 2). Miss Watson lives with Huck and she is always picking at him, trying to make him become conventional. According to the essay, The Struggle to stripping Oneself Huck ha s become so used to being melt that he sees the Widow Douglas protection solely in terms of confinement. She doesnt let Huck smoke when he wants and she is always nagging. "Miss Watson would say, "Dont put your feet up there, Huckleberry" and "Dont scrunch up like that, Huckleberry -- set up straight" and pretty soon she would say, "Dont cattle farm and stretch like that, Huckleberry -- why dont you try to behave?"(Twain, 3). We get the feeling that Huck is an individual, a person who is independent and has the willingness to live a life free of complications. According to Ryan Schremmers essay Examination of Freedom as an Overall Theme in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the theme of freedom is shown in Huckleberry Finn, which parallels to his distancing from society One of the some prominent and important themes of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is freedom. Freedom not only from Hucks internal paradoxical struggle in defining right and wrong, but also freedom from Hucks in the flesh(predicate) relationships with the Widow Douglas and his father, as well as freedom from the societal institutions of government, religion, and prejudices. When Pap returns for Huck, and the matter of custody is brought before the court, the reader is forced to see the corruption of society. The suppose rules that Huck belongs to Pap, and forces him to obey an evil and abusive man. One... ...n of his fathers sickness when seeking help. These men are not hesitant to hunt slaves, yet they refuse to help a sick man. Hucks acceptance of his love for Jim is shown in chapter thirty-one. Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson to return Jim, yet he ends up ripping the letter and wishes to free Jim. "All right, then, Ill go to hell- and he tore it up." Here, we see that Huck concludes that he is evil, and that society has been right all along. Huck doesnt realize that his goodness comes from within. He doesnt become aware that those inner qualities are not paralleled to external behavior. If Huck was to catch on that he would be eager to change how society functions instead of running away from it. Huck acts as a much nobler person when he is not confined by the hypocrisies of civilization. Throughout the story we see how he distance himself from society and creates his own world in which he follows his own feelings of whats moral and honorable. From the beginning of the story we see his instinct come into play and how it affects his decisions throughout the story. He almost always goes his own way, makes up his own mind, and lives by his own standards.
Le Grand Meaulnes :: essays research papers
Titre Le Grand MeaulnesAutor Alain FournierGenre Roman dadventureDate de Publication 1913Temps Se deroule en 1890 et dure a peu pres 6 ansLieu Sainte-Agathe en Sologne et puis a ParisPersonnages principaux Augustin Meaulnes, Franois Seurel, Ynonne de Galais et Frantz de Galais.Personnages secondaire Mme Meaulnes, M. et Mme Seuriel,Mouchboef, Valentine Blondeau, Les Charpentiers, M. de Galais, Ganache, oncle Florentin. Resume BriefAugustin Meaulnes engender comme interne dans lcole de M. Seurel, pere de Francois Seurel, le narrateur. Cest un garcon original qui bouleverse la tranquillit de cette vie campagnarde. Un jour,il sgare dans le bois et parvient un chteau o se droule une fte trange, en lhonneur stilboestrol fiancailles du maitre, Frantz de Galais. La fiance ne viendra pas. La fete sachev, et Frantz s nfuit. Mais Meaulnes a rencontr Yvonne de Galais,la sur de Frantz. Elle est belle. Il en tombe amoreux.Il doit cependant rentrer lcole. Dsormais Meaulnes ne cesse de la reche rcher, de meme quil essaie avec Francois de retrouver,en vain, le domaine mysterieux. Frantz reparait,fait promettre Meaulnes par un serment de rpondre tout appel au secours.Meaulnes part pour Paris,retrouve Valentine la fiance de Frantz tandis que Francois retrouve Yvonne que Meaulnes pouse finalment.Mais le matin des noces,lppel de Frantz se fait entendre. Meaulnes fifl au serment y rpond,part en abadonant sa jeune femme qui mourra en couche.Meaulnes reveindra chercher sa fille un an plus tard et partira avec elle pour de nouvelles aventures. Personnages PrincipauxAugustin Meaulnes Cest le hros du roman. Il est aventurier, idaliste absolu et toujours insatisfait. Il veut toujours plus, il nest jamais content de ce quil a. Quand il nobtient pas quelque chose, il se donne a fond pour lobtenir et quand il la, il veut dja autre chose. Il vit dinquitude, cherche autour de lui quelque chose qui soit capable de le contenter totalement et de lui faire conqurir le royaume des reves. En p lus de cela, il est un entraineur, un chef. Il naccepte pas le monde tel quil est fait par les autres. Il est illumin et cre autour de lui comme un monde inconnu. Pour y arriver, il organise des escapades et une de ses escapades le conduit a Yvonne, dont il tombe amoureux. Ds le debut du rcit on remarque que le mot fuite est associ au pesonnage de Meaulnes. Un premier portrait de Meaulnes nous est fait par sa mere au debut du livre.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Unforgiving Rapids :: Personal Narratives Whitewater Rafting Essays
Unforgiving RapidsThe unforgiving water rushes past the boat, waiting for a spurious move. Called a class 5, this rapid looks more like a class 6 with the water as low as it is. Six to ten foundation swells come crashing down from time to time keeping the crew sharp and wet. To the right, a thousand-foot wall of stone reaches for the sky, yearning for the omnipresent. The canyon walls look as glisten as silk, tho upon contact are as coarse as sandpaper. Quartz crystals glisten in the summer sun. No storm clouds to sidereal day. The skies are clear. To the left, a valley compasses into the distance, winding back and forth like a drunk driver. Weeds take oer much of the bank on either side. They stretch out for miles in either direction like they are the sole owners of the canyon. It didnt used to be this way. Ten years ago you could actually see the light-haired banks most of the way down the river. Now scouting is the only way to find a nice sandy beach to set up camp. moose al ong the beach are a reminder of the necessity for boiling even the cleanest water. Lawsuits loom large and safety is a priority.The speed of the water is frightening, yet exhilarating. The waters spray is cool and keeps us laughing. The captain looks anxiously about for stones and logs. To one side, a cliff that must be four thousand feet tall looms over the raging river like an overgrown skyscraper. The canyon contrasts against the sky like black carpet in a house with white walls. Little metallic pieces of rock mirror the suns rays and create a magical ambiance. The sky is very blue here, like the bluest water in the ocean on a clear day not a cloud to be seen. To the other side of the river, a canyon winds into the distance like a freeway overpass. Lots of beautiful plants quarter the shore of the river, leaving only a few bare places where a sandy bank can be seen. Today, elk was spotted along the shore drinking from the muddy water. What a magnificent rack Its all a great ad venture.The old boat has seen better days gray patches stick to the orange rubber of the 16 footer. Flexible yet sturdy, the boat is comfortable, like an old shoe. There are no surprises here.
Utilitarianism Essay -- essays research papers fc
Utilitarianism                                                  The concept of sustainable development is an attempt to balance two object lesson demands placed on the environment. The first demand is for development,including stinting development or growth. It arises mainly from the interestsof people who live in developing countries. Their present poverty gives them alow quality of life and calls urgently for travel to improve their quality oflife. The second demand is for sustainability, for ensuring that we do not riskthe future in the sake of gains in the present. This arises from the interestsof people in the future who allow need access to a honest quality of life,non-renewable resources, unspoiled wilderness, and a healthy biosphere. Thesetwo moral demands do conflict. In fac t, economic growth is the quality source ofthreats to the natural environment.     We have a nervy sense of what a good quality of life for humans consistsof. Also, we can make some rough judgments about when a persons quality oflife has increased or decreased. Utilitarianism about future generations saysthat people should weigh these increases impartially with respect to measure. And,in particular, should not take a smaller increase in the present well-being tolarger increases in the future. We should try to maximize the sum of increasesin well-being across times counting future lives equally against those in thepresent. Our moral goal should always be to produce the greatest total of suchgains, no matter by whom they are enjoyed.     Utilitarianism has been extensively discussed by philosophers, and manyobjections have been raised against it. Two objections are especially relevanthere. First, utilitarianism is an extremely, even excessiv ely demanding moralview for some humans. If we have a duty always to bring about the best outcome,than any time we can increase the well-being of others (which is just about atany time), we have a moral duty to do so. There is no moral time off, no moralrelaxation, nor is there a moral holiday. Humans are always duty bound tosac... ... we can see that eachgeneration should pass on to its successors a range of opportunities that allowsfor a reasonable quality of life. However, it should not be seen as a duty. Ifit is seen as a duty, then most humans may be turned off by the prospect oftaking care of their environment for future generations. If it is seen byhumans that our environment is a precious jewel, then we will more than likely desire to share it with our future generations.Works Cited1 Brian Berry, "Intergenerational Justice in Energy Policy." In D. MacLeanand P. G. Brown, eds., Energy and the Future Totowa, NJ Rowan and Littlefield,1983 pp.274.Resources1. Barry, Bri an. "Intergenerational Justice in Energy Policy," in D. MacLeanand P. G. Brown, eds., Energy and the Future Totowa, NJ Rowan and Littlefield,1983.2. Danielson, Peter. "Personal Responsibility," in H. Coward and T. Hurka,eds., Ethics and Climate Change The Greenhouse Effect Waterloo WilfredLaurier UP, 1993.3. Sidgwick, Henry. The Methods of Ethics, 7th ed. London Macmillan, 1907.4. World counseling on Environment and Development. Our Common Future OxfordOxford University Press, 1987.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
PSY 301, Introductory Psychology, Fall 2005, Exam 4 A :: UTEXAS Texas Psychology
Form A Name __________________________ Date _____________Introductory Psychology, Fall 2005 (Hawkins)Exam 4Instructions Write your name and the date on the top of this exam. Your must turn in thisexam along with your answer sheet. On the answer sheet, print your EID, blacken the letters of your EID and provide the other learning requested. (Dont forget to put which form of the exam you took) Remember to blacken your choice for each item on the answer sheet (A, B, C, or D) and completely deplete your questions. Good luck 1.The discovery that psychologically disordered behavior could result from syphilis infections facilitated the credibility and acceptance of A)trait theory. B)psychoanalytic theory. C)the medical model. D)DSM-IV. E)the social-cognitive perspective. 2.Electroconvulsive therapy has proven to be effective in the treatment of A)phobias. B)dissociative disorders. C)schizophrenia. D)depression. 3.Dr. Genscher believes that close to psychological disorders result from chemical abnormalities. In her work as a therapist, Dr. Genscher is most likely to construct use of A)psychosurgery. B)EMDR. C)systematic desensitization. D)drug therapies. E)transference. 4.Psychotherapy is likely to be most effective when a clients problem is A)clear-cut. B)the result of unconscious conflicts. C)long-standing and habitual. D)a response to a stressful life situation. E)self-inflicted. 5.Attitudes are ________ that guide behavior. A)norms and roles B)superordinate goals C)beliefs and feelings D)dispositional attributions 6.Which form of therapy is most likely to emphasize the importance of examining a persons role within a social system? A)systematic desensitization B)cognitive therapy C)psychoanalysis D)family therapy E)client-centered therapy 7.Expert pool players were observed to make 71 percent of their shots when alone. When four people watched them, they made 80 percent of their shots. This best illustrates A)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. B)social fac ilitation. C)group polarization. D)the bystander effect. E)the mere exposure effect. 8.Ksana insists that her boyfriends car accident resulted from his carelessness. Her explanation for the accident provides an example of A)the bystander effect. B)deindividuation. C)ingroup bias. D)the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. E)a dispositional attribution. 9.Which form of therapy has most directly contributed to the sharp reduction in the number of residents in U.S. mental hospitals? A)psychosurgery B)cognitive therapy C)electroconvulsive therapy D)drug therapy E)behavior therapy 10.The bystander effect refers to the tendency for an observer of an emergency to derive aid if the A)emergency takes place in a large city. B)observer has just endured a frustrating experience. C)emergency victim is a member of a different racial group than the observer.
Monday, May 27, 2019
How Effective Was Elizabethââ¬â¢s Government Essay
Elizabeth needed to win domiciliate of her people including nobles at court and ordering people in the democracy. She needed to do this in order to gain respect and run the g e very(prenominal)wheren ment successfully form everyone, and good publicity was a good way of doing this. Elizabeths commencement exercise chance to achieve goods publicity was at her coronation. She held it in London on the 15th January 1559. Elizabeth was determined to make it as impressive as possible. There were many-sided procession and a royal journey by barge along the river Thames. The streets were lined with people and many important visitors at ten-spotded. There was also grand for them that lasted ten days and every last(predicate) the costs led up to 16000 a huge sum of money in those days.Also, Elizabeth used portraits to let ordinary people get what she looked resembling and for publicity. In these portraits, she made the artists paint her advocatefully. In her portrait of Elizabeths coron ation, she was painted holding an orb and a sceptre, the symbols of a monarchs power and authority. Elizabeths portraits were very important and she valued them to show five main things* Strength and power She wanted to show than she was ruling the country wisely and successfully.* wealth It was important to distinguish sissys financial difficulties.* Ageless As Elizabeth grew older, it was important to hide signs of age because this is a sign of weakness.* Success and wisdom Elizabeth wanted her paintings to show that she was strong and powerful. She often had symbols of strength in her paintings such as pillars.* Legitimacy and purity Roman Catholics thought that Queen Elizabeth had no right bestow be Queen and was illegitimate. Therefore, to show her purity her face and clothes were usually white.Elizabeths portraits and coronation showed her as a successful ruler but horizontal good publicity cold not distinguish failures. In addition, Elizabeths success would depend on how well she governed the country. She also needed to win the support of her wealthy and powerful. The Queen was the most important member of the court. Elizabeth used patronage, which is the power to appoint people to important jobs. This is how she attracted the loyalty and support of her most important subjects.I think that Queen Elizabeths ways of peoples support were very successful. For example, the system of patronage was effective as this gave people jobs, which was what they wanted, she made them respect her by reservation herself the most important person in court and the person with the most power over decisions.Elizabeth chose and tick offled her privy council. By January 1559, Elizabeth had appointed nineteen experienced men to her privy council. None were strong Catholics and she appointed William Cecil as her secretary of state the most important position on the lav Council.Sir William Cecil (secretary of state) He was hard workings and he knew about all government b usiness. He was not afraid to disagree with the Queen or others on the Privy Council. Queen Elizabeth trusted him altogether and he was a loyal adviser to her for forty years.Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester) He disliked Cecil and often disagreed with him. He was a loyal advisor to the Queen but they had several(prenominal) quarrels.Sir Christopher Hatton (Parliament) Organised the Queens progresses and was elected into parliament several times. Helped Elizabeth to pass laws and control MPs. Also made lord councillor, in charge of resolve and law courts.Sir Francis Walsingham (Secretary of State) Worked mainly on foreign affairs. He was put in charge of Elizabeths secret service controlled a number of spies all over Europe. Also often disagreed with Cecil, and he often made Elizabeth angry but she knew he was completely loyal. He found evidence in 1586 Mary Queen of Scots was involved in a plot to kill the Queen.Robert Devereux commanded attacks on Spain and Ireland. Often argued with Elizabeth. In 1601, he led a rebellion and was executed for treason.The Privy Council met nearly every day and although Elizabeth didnt go to all meetings. She was determined to show that she was a cautious ruler. She didnt like making big changes or being rushed into making decisions. This often frustrated her councillors but they were completely loyal to her apart for two exceptions Duke of Norfolk Earl of EssexI think that this aspect of the government was very effective and successful as they helped Elizabeth and they were nearly all completely loyal to her apart from two people (mentioned above). I think that this was successful because she let all the members know who was boss and was not rushed into anything. She also chose her members very wisely and each member had their own speciality.Parliament in the sixteenth century was often less powerful than it was today. It could only meet when the monarch called it. Although Elizabeth didnt have to call the call parliament at all and she could close it whenever she liked. She chose to call in only thirteen times in her forty-five year reign.Elizabeth only called parliament for three main reasons* To help pass ACTS OF PARLIAMENT laws which were ap adjudicated by both house of parliament and the monarch.* To approve taxes, which could only be collected if parliament agreed to them?* To provide her with support and advice It was very useful for monarchs to know the sentiment of MPs and win there support.This part of the government was not as important to Elizabeth as the Privy Council. I think that she did not like opening and going to parliament but she had to in order to get what she wanted. I think she just used parliament for her own needs. Although she was pretty, effective at getting what she wanted from them.Elizabeth never explained why she didnt marry. Although there were some rumours that she was in love with Robert Dudley and wanted to marry him, there is no evidence to prove this. Elizabeth kept her thought on marriage private. Parliament asked her to marry several times but she only gave a vague answer. Later in the reign, when her MPs asked who was her successor, she always refused. A few things that may have caused her not to marry are* Marriage might have been unpopular and cause a rebellion* Lose friendship with other countries and become enemies.* If she married an English nobleman her other nobles would be disappointed and start a rebellion.* That she thought her economise would try to take control.Why Elizabeth didnt marry became a mystery and although parliament tried to force the issue of her marrying, she never did.If Elizabeth was going to govern the country successfully, she had to control all her people. This wasnt easy. Elizabeth didnt have a permanent army or a police force to help her. However, Elizabeth appointed officers virtually the country, to help her control local areas. Also in towns wealthy citizens elected councils to look after the towns affairs and keep the law in order.The local officials with whom most people met were the Justice of the Peace (JPs). Elizabeth elected about forty of them in every county. They were usually landowners who knew there area well. This work was voluntary, further many landowners still wanted to become a JP as it meant that they were the most important person in the area. The Queen expected her Justice of the peace to beam out a range of duties. JP were given more and more work to do during Elizabeths reign. They were often given instruction form the Privy Council to engage out new laws form parliament to enforce.I think that this method was an effective way of keeping the country in order. However, it became less efficient as Elizabeths reign progressed. In addition, Elizabeth had a big enough reputation to persuade people to become JPs voluntarily.Overall, I think that Elizabeths government was very effective. I think she controlled the country well and thorough out her reign there were no wars or rebellions in England and she had a good blood with other countries. In addition, Elizabeth knew how to get her point across and she made herself the most important person in court and made sure that she was in control and never let anyone take control away for her. Maybe that was the reason that she never married because she was afraid that her husband would try to do so. Also Elizabeth announce herself well and let people know what qualities she had and let people know that she was suitable for queen as was the right person to run the country.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz
Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz was an exceptional seventeenth-century nun who set precedents for feminism recollective ahead the term or concept existed. Her Respuesta is a maverick work outlining the logical sense of womens education more than 200 years before Woolfs A Room of Ones Own. Her poetry, meanwhile, states in bold language the potency of the feminine in both love and religion.Juana Ins Ramirez was born out of wedlock to Isabel Ramirez and Manuel de Asbaje in a small village in Mexico, New Spain. Manuel soon abandoned the family, so mother and child spent a great deal of eon with Juanas grandfather, Pedro Ramirez. It was in Pedros book-filled house that Juana learned to read. (Girls of her time were rarely, if ever, formally educated.) The door to learning then bump open the young prodigy would embark upon a life shaped and shaken by intellectual inquiry. She quickly gained renown in society and became a lady-in-waiting in the court of the Spanish viceroy. Yet she soon left the court for the nunnery practically speaking, this was the best way for an illegitimately born woman to secure the time and resources for scholarship.But Sor Juana did not shut herself away in an ascetic cell. She started out as a novice in the Carmelite order, but the orders predilection for petty(a) sleep and self-flagellation repelled her after a few months. Eventually she found a sect that was more her speed as a lady of letters and a former courtier the order of San Jernimo gave her an entire suite of her own, complete with bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, library, and servant. Her library which held Mexicos largest book collection developed into a meeting-place for the intellectual elite. Those who frequented the salon included future viceroy Marquis de La Laguna and the Countess de Pareda, known to her intimates as Maria Luisa.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Morocco a developing country
Developing countries argon countries with non- or undeveloped industrial base, low livelihood standards, and low HDI (Human ontogenesis Index) compared to developed countries like the United States and the European Union countries. Morocco is a safe(p) example of a typical developing orbit. It has an undeveloped industrial base, low living standards, and a low HDI. In fact, Morocco is ranked at the 130th place over 185 member states of the UN in 2013. Also, according to the United Nations Development Program, Morocco has a medium military personnel development.The reasons that make Morocco a developing countrified are numerous. Actually, the three main reasons that make the Cheriflan poufdom a developing country are French colonialism, low standards of social programs, and absence of human rights. Firstly, Morocco is a developing country because of its historical roots. Indeed, one of the main reasons that make Morocco a developing country is the French Protectorate. The French Protectorate, or the French colonialism, worsened the situation in Morocco since its establishment in 1912 until the Independence in 1956.The French and some Moroccan elite constituted by bourgeois Fassis and Rbatis took the biggest part of cake. This French-Moroccan oligarchy took share of the biggest and most lucrative businesses in Morocco such as agriculture, banks and insurance, industry, and politics. This situation made the rich richer and the short poorer. Until nowadays, we still notice than the nerve of Morocco, which is economics, is still held by noble and notoriously rich families. Thus, the distribution of wealth in Morocco is unbalanced as we observe that at that place are the rich, the poor, and a small entity that akes the middle class.In developed countries, middle classes are the ones that empower the economics and politics of a country. Take the example of Norway where a minister of religion uses a bike or public transportation to get to his/her Job. We are n ot ready to see this anytime soon in Morocco. My argument, which is based on a historical basis, is that Morocco suffered and is still suffering from the French colonialism and that the Protectorate was mainly in advantage of France not of the majority of Moroccans, who were very poor in the first one-half of the twentieth century.Unfortunately, Morocco has a very low standard of social programs. Instead of taking the best part of the French colonialism, Morocco took by large the bad incline of the French remains one of the most tangible consequences of the French presence in Morocco is the cultural alienation. However, Morocco did not take advantage of some aspects of the French system such as the Social Security. Indeed, the French Social Security is a program made by diverse organizations that take care of citizens in intravenous feeding contexts illness, old age, family, and accident. In Morocco, there is no such system.Unless you are working in the state owned sector or in a good private company, you dont have access to the Social Security. Morocco has only organizations such as CNOPS, CNSS, or private insurance and banking companies that have a backup role in case of unfortunate happening. This is a major factor that does not make Morocco a developed country, but a developing one. Finally, Morocco has a long standing(a) reputation of non respecting human rights. Right atter the French colonialism, King Hassan 2 came to power and starts to use repressive techniques to dissuade some zealous intellectuals.Fortunately, with the present of the contemporary King Mohamed 6, the situation is getting better especially with the instauration of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission. One of the most important criteria of a developed country is to respect human rights and maintain freedom for every citizen. Unfortunately, Morocco is not very good in that topic. We still have abuse of power, corrupted politicians, civil servants, and forces of security servants. Consequently, Morocco still has a long path to follow until it reaches a full status of democracy and becomes a developed country.To sum up, Morocco should have Scandinavian countries as role models since they are truly the perfect example of developed and modern nations. All the four Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland) suffered from the WW II but have reborn from their ashes like a phoenix. Morocco has neer been involved in a major bloody war but still suffers from the presence of a soft power called Protectorate. As a country with a promising young population, we should be more open to the world, be working harder, pragmatic, and more tolerant to achieve the status of a developed country.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Banana peelings dishwasher
This investigative project aims to invent a new form of an secondary or a substitute for the commercial message message washup liquid development the banana (MUSM sagacious) Peelings. In this, the sufferings from buying commercial dishwashing liquid that contributes to our daily exist and the suffering that we face in using detergent shut in plates will be lessen or will be decrease. Instead of using harmful chemicals in manufacturing dishwashing liquid, we replaced it with Banana peelings as an effective cleaning agent. Through this we depose help to ease the case of urine taints because 70% of the human beings is water.Even this project has a very great contribute and help, there are a lot of factories that doesnt concern about what will happen in every rime that they discharge the chemicals that they used in manufacturing dishwashing liquids. It whitethorn lead to water pollution then after, the fishes and other aquatic living things will be affected. This are the mai n problem in water pollution. As a citizen of this nation, we have obligations to our county and nature thats why we came up with this project that will surely lessen the use of chemicals in making dishwashing liquid.Specifically, this investigative project aim to A. instruct the Feasibility of Banana peelings as an alternative or substitute for the commercial dishwashing liquid. B. )Assess the banana peelings dishwashing liquid and commercial dishwashing liquid in terms of its odor, cleaning agents and the effectiveness in oiliness and oiliness of an idiosyncratic plate. C. ) Compare MUSM Sapient Dishwasher to commercial ones. Only Banana (MUSM Sapient) Peelings and Washing Soda was used in this project. The study employed 1 .Preparation of the product 2 Analyses of the product 3. Evaluation Of The MUSM Sapient Dishwasher. The procedure is easy and can be done easily by dint of the help of the available materials found in our kitchen. H Kilogram of banana peelings were gather ed , cut into small pieces , blended or pounded using mortar and pestle. Filtrate the blended peelings on a filter subject or clothe and extract the liquid and place in a boiler. Mix until it thickens, let it cool completely. We can add any essential oils and fodder color of we desire.Based from the researches and study conducted the following results determined that the Banana peelings can be used as an alternative for the immemorial dishwashing liquids and product was assess through testing the sample. We therefore conclude that our finished product MUSM Sapient Dishwasher has the feasibility to be an alternative dishwashing liquid for the commercial ones. foliate 3 Introduction A. Background of the study Our nature , our place of living our life the Earth, is fully affected by changing technologies , factories and other industrialized plants.The discharged chemicals from a vast n umber of factories on our river and other water phases was continuously destroyed and damaged, al l the chemicals nutrients major for the destruction of our water phases- the Aquatic living things died because of the harmful properties of a chemical. This study aims to produce an CEO-friendly dishwashing liquid. It emphasizes to help the world problem- the water pollution. Nowadays, people often used branded dishwashing liquid or detergent bar in washing plates but they dont know the consequences in using it.In this wide search, the researchers found that there is a key to the problem water pollution which may be found in Banana peelings. B. Statement Of The Problem This project generally endeavor to manufacture a high quality substitute for the commercial dishwashing liquid from banana peelings and perform physical analyses to test its cleaning properties through comparative analyses. Specifically, this project endeavor to 1 . Control the water pollution. 2. Determine the Feasibility of Banana peelings as an alternative or substitute for the commercial dishwasher inning liquid 3.Assess the banana peelings dishwashing liquid and commercial dishwashing liquid in terms of its odor, cleaning agents and the effectiveness in greasiness and oiliness of an individual plate. Page 4 C. Significance Of the Study Water pollution is one of the most major issues the world is facing nowadays, which leads to death of the aquatic living things that will greatly affect us in terms of Fisheries and if not stopped it may lead to terrible global changes. Here in the Philippines pollution is greatly caused by improper expulsion of chemicals from factories and other industrial whole or plants.This project will significantly help the environment ease the chemical problems that causes water pollution , price hike and health problems like GI diseases. D. Scope and Limitation This study deals with Banana (MUSM Sapient ) specifically its peelings. The banana peelings were gathered when we eat banana or in a banana propel stand. We gathered evaluations on how effective the banana peelings as a dishwashing liquid, and also how bacteria will react when they are washed using the MUSM Sapient Dishwasher.We did not study about how long does our product will endure (months/years), but we test it and it is really effective dishwasher. Formulation of Hypothesis 1 . Banana Peelings dishwashing liquid can be a good substitute for immemorial dishwashing liquid with it same properties like odor, cleaning properties and effectiveness to greasiness and oiliness. 2. Banana Peelings dishwashing liquid can be an efficient bacterial killer. 3. Banana peelings dishwashing liquid is cheaper and easy to make that the commercial dishwashing liquid. Page 5 Definition of Terms a.Peelings-skin or covering of anything. Can define as parings, shavings, barks, husks, wrapping, shells or crusts. B. DISHWASHING LIQUID-from the root word dish and wash , a thing used to wash a dish usually liquid. C. Greasiness- can define as fatty, slippery and slimy. A dirt usually from a plate. D. Lonel iness- can define as the texture of thing and a dirt from fatty foods. E. FEASIBILITY-can be defined as viability, possibility, practicability or acceptability. Review of Related writings Banana- MUSM sapient or Banana is one the most widely recognized and consumed fruits in the world.They are considered valuable both for their nutritional qualities as well as their economic qualities, and they come in a variety of colors, flavors and sizes. Not only the banana fruit is useful, but also its skin. Banana skins are composed of nutritional, non nutritional contents ND minerals. Banana peels have become a supply of nutrients for animal feedstock and a fertilizer. Banana peels have special cleaning properties that make them a tremendous environmentally friendly cleaning product. The fibrous part (cellulose) of banana peel is one of its cleaning properties.It helps clean walls and other materials. The moist peel of a fresh banana contains many useful cleaning enzymes and organic cleaning chemicals that are not only effective, but are safe for the environment. One tight-laced thing about banana peels is that they give a fresh, pleasurable scent to your home. Banana peels are also recyclable, which makes them completely risk-free to the environment Washing Soda- (also cognise as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals), Niacin is a sodium salt of carbonic acid.It most commonly occurs as a crystal clear hyphenated, which readily effloresce to form a white powder, the moderately. Sodium carbonate is domestically well known for its everyday use as a water softener. It can be extracted from the ashes of many plants. Polyethylene Glycol- PEG is the basis of many skin creams (as cataloger) and personal lubricants (frequently combined with glycerin). PEG is used in a umber of toothpastes as a dispersant. In this application, it binds water and helps keep Jonathan gum uniformly distributed throughout the toothpaste.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian term
A Mat Rempit is a Malaysian limit for an individual who participates in nefarious passage racing, usually involving underbone motorcycles (colloquially known as Kapcai) or scooters. Not all Mat Rempits are involved in street racing some of them accomplish crazy stunts for fun, such as the wheelie, superman (lying flat on the seat), wikang, and scorpion (standing on the seat with one leg during a wheelie),or shuttu le katti. Mat Rempits usually operate in groups and race in bustling city centres on weekend nights.In recent times, Mat Rempits have been linked to gangsterism, gang robbery,12 street fighting, assault,3 vandalism, theft and bullying. some motorcycles used by the Mat Rempits do not meet standard specifications, or have been modified extensively for greater speed, or just to shoot the exhaust noisier. Additionally, some Mat Rempits do not have valid motorcycle licenses, do not pay road taxes, and ride stolen motorcycles. 45 A festering number of housing estates have also been turned into racing tracks. 6 It is estimated that there are about 200,000 Mat Rempits in Malaysia. 7 In some other countries, the term Mat Rempit is also used, but more to refer to one as a motorcycle lover or rider (Mat Motor), as opposed to an illegal motorcycle racer. Sometimes, the term Mat Rempit is misused to refer to any individual who rides an underbone motorcycle. Related to this is the Mat Konvoi, which claim to be the non-racing version of Mat Rempit.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Imagine, for a moment, that you ar a new child, in an unacquainted(predicate) place, full of invisible faces that st ar at you as you walk past them. Your face buried in a map so that you sens develop your way through your new environment and you continuously bump into strangers who do non offer a supporting hand to guide you on your way. You atomic number 18 lost, and you do non know what to do. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a hand comes undecomposed in front of your path, grasping yours, and leading the way to safety and happiness.It is your first friend. familiarity is the greatest gift you force out give someone to ensure mental, emotional, and social aspects for not plainly your own, exactly someone elses life in the process. E rattlingone needs one obedient, true friend to appease mentally healthy. Having been proven by scientific experiments studied by Harvard Medical students, if a true friend is unattached to you, you can relinquish your thoughts and emotions to in order to relieve stress from your brain.Scientists agree that stress releases chemicals changes throughout your brain, and that these changes could influence your health. With a friend there for you, you are competent to prevent stress from depleting your energy to even decreasing the stress that can build up cancer cells. Knowing such a thing, can you not see that your friend is saving your life over and over again? How nice is that? Friends are essential to your life.Everyone needs one good, true friend to stay emotionally healthy. Especially for children, having a friend along for the long run is not only nutritious to your emotional state, but as considerably as for your physical state as well. Common knowledge shows that without the required love or mutual feeling of knowledge towards a human being acquires complications when it comes to probing further in intellectual discoveries or inhibits one from gaining any social connections.Having a friend, or even better, multip le friends, can break your emotional state in vast like ways, such as increasing social interactions after gaining self-confidence in the process. Without friends, youre mental attitude is also affected due to stress levels that build up after being solitary for long periods of time, or perhaps from rejection, that it can lead to drop-off or even suicide. Knowing such a thing, can you not see that your friend is saving your life over and over again? Friends are essential to your life.In a somebodyal view, being in the world without friends can be a very scary place. Friends can get you places, help you suit new faces, and make your life brighter than the sun. Friends are there for you when your life is down, if you have had a bad break-up, or if you have lost someone you love. They comfort you when you deal you have got nothing else. A friend can be as close as a sibling, or as distant as your thrash enemy, but in the end, you are not alone, and that makes all the difference w hen it comes to your mental, and emotional, state.Many of people believe that not everyone is socially inclined by birth or that tell person is anti-social by their own means. However, a human being can not possible are, as proven in the statistics above, against human relation and come across without having prior past issues, such as child abuse, or depression. Friends will always be essential to you. In conclusion, Friendship is the greatest gift you can give someone to ensure mental, emotional, and social aspects for not only your own, but someone elses life in the process.Friends relieve common stresses from a person that can leave them much healthier, mentally, and they can become a target for affections, or for any other positive emotion, leaving you socially enabled to lead your life. socially connected to friends can lead to more friends, opening more opportunities that go up to business partners, to working together on a school paper. Friends can save your life repeatedly over and over again, isnt that nice? You need friends, because Friends are essential to your life.FriendshipFriendship is the divine feeling or relationship surrounded by friends. Friendships developed ultimately and required to be maintain with care. Men cant live without friend and real friendship could be a great support for ones life. Friendship is precisely a divine relationship based on feelings and under juting. Its not commonplace social or official affair between people but a divine feelings and care based on mutual trust, affection and support. A true friendship is developed ultimately sometimes relationship could be established for earthly benefits but that is not really considered friendship.A real friendship does not aim any worldly interests rather spiritual and based on share and care between friends. A relationship required to be bilateral to turn into friendship. That is friendship between two people or among several(prenominal) people, only develops when they all loves, understands and trust one another equally. Successful friendship only established provided taste, feeling and sentiments of friends are same or common. A genial relationship between people with strictly different outlook and view is approximately impossible.A friendship turns stronger with care and maintenance. In the same way disrespect towards it authorise and destroy it away. Friends must be sincere and loyal towards one another. One should not show vanity and power over his/her friends. Friends must bare a sense of equity in mind. Friendship with disparity doesnt last very long. Real friend be always with his/her friend in well and in owes. In order to maintain friendship, it must be valued and handled all right because treatment towards friendship determines a friend is real friend or fair weathered.All people seems friendly are not friend. Many pretend to be friend and terminate friendship as soon as their interests are fulfilled. We may have thousands of fair- weathered friends in prosperity but real friends are those who stand by us in our trouble. Its very painful when friends proved traitor so in choice of friends we must be cautious. A good friend supports us always and led us in the right way. A good friend encourages us for positive and forbid us pretend wrong deeds. A real good friend is an invaluable treasure. Benefits and fatality of friendship is innumerable.Human being needs cuss to live. And friends are one of the best companion because supports us, care us and bless us an opportunity to share our thoughts freely. As friendship doesnt aim any worldly things, serious dispute between friends are rare or mostly trifle. In a word, friendship is blessed with countless gifts. Friendship is undoubtedly a heavenly thing. Life is neutral and slow without a friend. Though real friends are not favorable to find, a real friendship with a good person is a unparalleled gift that could be great supports for lifetime..FriendshipFriends hip is the divine feeling or relationship between friends. Friendships developed ultimately and required to be maintained with care. Men cant live without friend and real friendship could be a great support for ones life. Friendship is simply a divine relationship based on feelings and understanding. Its not ordinary social or official affair between people but a divine feelings and care based on mutual trust, affection and support. A true friendship is developed ultimately sometimes relationship could be established for earthly benefits but that is not really considered friendship.A real friendship does not aim any worldly interests rather spiritual and based on share and care between friends. A relationship required to be reciprocal to turn into friendship. That is friendship between two people or among several people, only develops when they all loves, understands and trust one another equally. Successful friendship only established provided taste, feeling and sentiments of frien ds are same or common. A friendly relationship between people with strictly different outlook and view is almost impossible.A friendship turns stronger with care and maintenance. In the same way disrespect towards it fade and destroy it away. Friends must be sincere and loyal towards one another. One should not show vanity and power over his/her friends. Friends must bare a sense of equity in mind. Friendship with disparity doesnt last very long. Real friend be always with his/her friend in well and in owes. In order to maintain friendship, it must be valued and handled delicately because treatment towards friendship determines a friend is real friend or fair weathered.All people seems friendly are not friend. Many pretend to be friend and terminate friendship as soon as their interests are fulfilled. We may have thousands of fair-weathered friends in prosperity but real friends are those who stand by us in our trouble. Its very painful when friends proved traitor so in choice of fr iends we must be cautious. A good friend supports us always and led us in the right way. A good friend encourages us for positive and forbid us form wrong deeds. A real good friend is an invaluable treasure. Benefits and necessity of friendship is innumerable.Human being needs companion to live. And friends are one of the best companion because supports us, care us and bless us an opportunity to share our thoughts freely. As friendship doesnt aim any worldly things, serious dispute between friends are rare or mostly trifle. In a word, friendship is blessed with countless gifts. Friendship is undoubtedly a heavenly thing. Life is colourless and slow without a friend. Though real friends are not easy to find, a real friendship with a good person is a precious gift that could be great supports for lifetime..
Monday, May 20, 2019
Patience is a Virtue Essay
pains is a legality that every man and woman moldiness strive to leave. Without it, things can go horribly wrong, people would have faced much fights and arguments and there allow for be chaos in this world. Those who are impatient angry their lives thinking of the future. Furthermore many times, bad experiences often help build a better character, so if you are always rushing throughout your life without waiting for the results, how can you learn from your mistakes? Im effort will give you a lot of regrets in life, that is why we need to practice our patience so that there will be peace in you and in our society.The Merriam-Websters Dictionary tells us that patience is to be able to remain calm and not to become annoyed when waiting for a ample time or when dealing with problems or difficult people. In deliverymanianity, patience is one of the most important virtues in life. It is also one of fruits of the Holy Spirit.A good example of patience is Jesus Christ who had enough patience for seeing us sin against Him as He patiently forgives us each time we sin. Patience brings peace to our mind, helps us make the right choices, bring about enjoyment, right understanding, success, and fulfilment of goals in life. If everyone were to have patience in this world, there would be no more suffering, madness, misunderstandings, failures, and chaos in this world.If you are an impatient person, dont feel depressed because you arent patient. Everyone commits mistake and everyone can change. We must be patient and understanding, life is too short to be vengeful and malicious. Like what Jean-Jacques Rosseau said Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Modern Business Management
groundbreaking business focus depose be complicated it is often as much virtually thought as it is about policy. A manager canister tell if his or her theatre require avail in control through a variety of benchmarks quality, profitability, morale, the achievement of individuals at bottom the organization, and the overall performance of the firm in respect to competitors (Gibson, et al, 2003). If improvement is involveed, the manager can tell if improvement is needed in some(prenominal) key areas, and steps can be taken for improvement, as followsOperational If there is an identified task within the inner trainings of the organization, such as inefficiencies in purchasing, logistics, accounting, etc, this is indicative of operational deficiency that needs to be improved. Managers can implement operational improvements by empowering the work teams in these given areas to provide feed back end about their tasks, offer improvements and so forth. This information can be com bined with process improvements such as heel over principles to provide efficiency and better operations.Financial Financial problems are detected through the accounting process, and can be caused by excessive costs, insufficient revenue, or a combination of both. To correct financial problems, managers can wisely cut costs through productivity improvement and increase revenues through increased gross sales activity. Structural Structural problems emerge commonly when the different strategic business units do not work well together to achieve the goals of the organization, supervisors are not reaching established goals, and individual employees are insufficient in a given area or areas.These problems can be corrected by management through personnel changes, a change to the company complex body part itself, or steps to improve the performance of the ineffective employee(s). Strategic Problems of a strategic nature are seen when the organization is not performing match to establis hed goals, seems to lack direction, and has problems competing against other firms. This can be corrected through evaluation of the currents strategic plan, and ameliorate the plan or developing another if needed.This process should include staff members from all of the strategic units within the firm itself. In its most basic form, quality has been defined as the essential goodness of a product (Evans and Lindsay, 2003). While this definition is easy to understand, it is vague and ineffective when discussing quality within the scope of the novel business environment. A practical, yet simple definition of quality is that quality exists when products or services equalize the expectations of the customer for their given purpose.As an example, a disposable cigarette lighter need only be durable enough to provide reliable service until the fuel within it is exhausted. This quality definition reflects back to the classic business assertion that a light bulb can be made to break 100+ years (in fact, an Edison prototype still lights today) but the price of such an item is beyond what mortal is willing to pay for the given utility of the ordinary light bulb.This brings up another interesting patch that a given quality level is also necessary in order to offer a product or service at a price that the customer is willing to pay base on perceived value. This quality definition affects managers behavior because quality control initiatives do not need to exceed the given level of quality that is sought. This affects the strategic planning the manager will undertake, operational costs, the structure of the organization, etc. Overall, quality shapes the organization and the management style of the organization as well.
Later Adulthood Development Report Essay
Aging march ons in every stage of behavior, and as adults grow older and move from atomic number 53 stage of adulthood to the next many sore changes give the axe occur in their everyday lives. The regeneration from middle adulthood to youngr adulthood can bring a whole new train of changes to an man-to-mans life. The aging swear out includes changes in roles and social positions, considering living accommodations with health c argon hires, transitioning from perish life to retirement, changes in social policies, and changes in relationships with family members and peers.As aging occurs aroundbodys government note a numerous measurement of changes in their lives. Some of those changes occur in their roles and social positions. As an individual ages they whitethorn begin to notice both physical and mental changes that decrease their ability to carry out activities in their daily routines. An individual who was once the leader of company meetings may notice that they are no longer able to receive or see things as well as they were before, and they may not be able to process their thoughts as quickly. They might also notice a delay in their reaction time. While few people may assume it is because of a medical exam issue, it could just be because of aging. As aging continues by means ofout later adulthood individuals may also notice changes in their physical appearances such as unwarranted or wrinkly skin and a decrease in muscle tone.Throughout life individuals may decide to move from one place to another to experience what it is like to live in a new place. As individuals age their health starts to decline, and in some cases, some families have to fasten the purpose to put their loved ones in a treat home or hire a nursing staff to do home visits. When the health of a loved one becomes an issue family members have to make sure they are readting theproper care they need to understand their loved ones are unafraid and their health needs ar e being met. Some elderly individuals are able to go through life and not need any type of assistance caring for themselves, entirely some individuals get sick and cannot properly take care of themselves any longer. Alzheimers and Dementia are two of the conquer diseases an individual can develop as they age.Once Alzheimers or Dementia really represent in the individual start to forget life as they previously knew it. They no longer greet their family or friends and have a hard time remembering anything about their lives. According to the Alzheimers tie-up there are three stages to Alzheimers disease, the early, middle, and late stages. In the early stages of Alzheimers disease an individual may still function as well as they did before they knew they had the disease, He or she may still drive, work, and be a part of social activities (Alzheimers Association, 2015). According to the Alzheimers Association, The middle stages of Alzheimers are typically the longest and can last for many years.The third, and final stage of Alzheimers, the late stages, according to the Alzheimers Association, may last for several weeks or several years and requires intense are the clock care. As Alzheimers progresses the individual may experience symptoms such as anger, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, store loss, confusion, repetition, and physical discomfort. As Alzheimers slowly starts to take over the individual it becomes harder and harder for both the individual and the family to survey with the changes that are occurring. That is why it is so important to make sure there is a trained medical professional on site at all times to care and comfort the individual dealings with the disease.The transition from working life to retirement can be a difficult process for some adults as they struggle to accept the changes that testament occur in their lifestyle. But, on the other hand, retirement can also be an enjoyable time for some adults as they see it as an opportun ity to do things they love without having to worry about work interfering with their plans. Some aging adults have a hard time coping with the thought of retirement because of the drastic change in income and they do not eff what to do withall the extra time they will have throughout the day. While the changes in income amongst a weekly or biweekly paycheck greatly differ from their previous profession and the add together of money received through social security, most employers offer a 401K savings plan to serve up with retirement and life after working. amicable policies were put in tact to ensure that anyone in need is able to have their needs met. These needs can include medical, nutritional, and income needs. The government has funded programs such as aliment stamps to help families all over the country provide food for their families. Other government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare are intact to help cover medical expenses for people who cannot afford health or alveolar insurance. When it comes to the elderly, social programs such as Social Security and the Older Americans Act were put intact to ensure the elderly (anyone aged sixty five or older) are able to financially swear themselves. Social policies are a great way to ensure individuals are properly taken care of and are able to support themselves.Family is forever, and nobody should ever feel as if they have to go through life alone. As we age it is important to remember how important our family and friends really are to us. We spend our whole lives trenchant for someone to spend the rest of our lives with and to build a family with, but as we age and people in our families start to die people begin to feel lonely. Losing a close family member or take down a friend can leave individuals with a feeling of loneliness or even depression, almost people seventy years of age or older are widowed, divorced, or single (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2010).Grandparents and great- grandparents sh ould never have to feel like they are unimportant or unwanted by their families. As individuals raise and go on with their own lives they should always continue to stay in touch with everyone in their family, but they should especially make sure their grandparents and older family members are healthy and well taken care of.The changes that occur throughout our daily lives are preparing us for the next stage of life. As individuals age they experience new things and learnnew things about themselves. Some people fear aging as they fear they will no longer be able to properly care for themselves any longer, but with the love and support from our families anything is possible. The aging process includes changes in roles and social positions, considering living accommodations with health care needs, transitioning from work lifeto retirement, changes in social policies, and changes in relationships with family members and peers. Aging is just one of the many aspects of life that everyone has to deal with, and it is up to us to determine how we want to deal with it and let it affect our everyday life.ReferencesAlzheimers Association. The Stages of Alzheimers. Retrieved from http// Department of Health and Family Services. caring for Frail Elderly People Policies in Evolution. Retrieved from http//, C.H. & Kirst-Ashman, K.K. (2010). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (8th Ed.)
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Comparison Between Japan and America in Education
Every country perceives the importance of tuition. both country that keeps their people uneducated or does non help to educate cannot make them as a responsible person. America and japan both feel very strongly about education and that they urgency to have well educated people. Both of these countries have educational dodgings that are similar in roughly ways and yet very different in other ways. In order to understand the education between the two countries, it is utilitarian to compare the constitution of the failure, school ordered, and entrance scrutiny.First of all, thither is a deflection from the system of the failure between Japan and America. America adopts the system of the failure from the elementary school. When the teacher decides that the disciple should take the grade again because of his or her inadequate understanding for the class, the student must take the identical curriculum. On the other hand, Japan does not adopt the system from the elementary school . The system is used from the postgraduate school. In Japan, the compulsory education is from the elementary school to the junior high school.Inside the period, the system of failure is not applied. In the case of the failure in Japan, thirty percent is the deadline in each test. In the system of the failure of the two countries, the primary education and the secondary education are completely different. However, from the higher education, the system is the same. Not only the system of failure, but also the school uniform is another difference. In Japan, more or less all students wear the school uniform every day from elementary school to high school.Its good for students themselves because they do not need to worry about their cloths every day. Their parents also do not care about the cost of the cloths. In contrast, almost all students in America do not wear the school uniform. Some private schools adopt the school uniform, but it is rare to see the uniform in America. As for th e school uniform, there is no similarity. Furthermore, there are the difference and similarity in the entrance examination.In Japan, a lot of universities depend on the written test to measure the students academic ability. On the other hand, in America, many universities make a point of the students character. The essay is one of the good ways to make students express their own opinions. Although Japanese universities adopt the written test in the entrance examination, many high schools use the creative tests in the entrance examination to measure the students character. One of the good examples is the interview.Interviewer can know their character soon. Similarly, American schools use the telephone interview. In the entrance examination, there are the same ways and difference ways in the two countries. Although there are many similarities and differences between the educational systems of Japan and America, it is hard to declare that one is better than the other. It is useful to compare the educational system of the failure, school uniform, and entrance examination to understand the education between Japan and America.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Admission services Admission Essay
Marquis de Vauvenargues, a French moralist and essayist express thatthe greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to ones opportunities and make the most of ones resources. My work association as a interrogation analyst, a school manager and a full time schoolroom teacher widened the horizon of my career and led me to pursue a study that will enable me to feed a trading that would create jobs to people in my community.My initial job as a research analyst and laboratory manager at Biosphere 2 Center in Arizona provided me with the hazard to forge the CO2 control system and implemented new chemical substance procedures. I was excessively given the line of supervising the research works and thesis of students in the undergraduate level.Due to my desire to explore more avenues in the field of skill, I moved to Columbia University in unfermented York and worked as a laboratory manager and researcher. In Columbia University, the task of managing and maintaining th e laboratory of Lamont Doherty E arth Observatory, a world class state of the art research institution specializing in the Earth sciences, sharpened my managerial skills.As my task as well as included conducting data collection, analyses, interpretation and data reduction, my fellowship and skills in research and statistics was enhanced. I veritable good analytical and worry solving skills as well as communication and interpersonal skills through constant interaction with raise faculty, accomplished scientist and highly motivated graduate students I also designed and implemented new chemical procedures.Although I grew up in India, I was fortunate to be given a rare opportunity to work in a prestigious university and laboratory center in the United States. Although the transition was repugn, the cognize was rewarding. The administrative and research opportunities that were given to me in my first two jobs enriched my knowledge and skills but I felt a nagging call to share my knowledge.Hence, I worked as an adjunct professor at Bergen association College in New Jersey and eventually in Herman Ridder Intermediate School and Bronx Academy in New York. My students became the recipients of the knowledge that I have gained from my previous exposure in a fully equipped and modernize laboratory. As a full-time environmental science and mathematics teacher for grades 7-12 level, I was able to provoke the minds of students to appreciate mathematics.As I taught them a number of ways to approach and forge mathematical problems, I also found out the source of their weaknesses and their lack of enthusiasm in the subject area. Some could not solve complex problems due to lack of knowledge in the basic principles of mathematics. Others never had a teacher who utilise games as a way to make students enjoy the subject.Science and mathematics are closely related and I believe that the improvement of the nation is partly dependent on the scientific discoveries and t echnological advancement that the incoming generation can offer. Working with poorly motivated students with behavioral problems and those who were hostile and hopeless about their power was very challenging. The personal conviction to incr relaxation behavior students achievement led me to organize an innovative volunteer course of study whereby students requiring assistance outside the classroom were tutored during lunch break.I also identified students individualism and developed curriculum to accommodate their diverse learning styles and maximize their potentials. To facilitate learning, a curriculum was developed to ease instruction of individual, small groups and classes of 40 students. Open communication and close monitoring of students progress facilitated learning and improved academic achievements.Parental involvements in the academic and extra-curricular activities of students were strongly encouraged. Comprehensive mathematics and science learning resource were also c reated so students were able to take home and learn materials with their parents.I had my last mesh in Herman Ridder Intermediate School in New York where I was designated by the school principal to sue as a teacher and business manager due to my analytical and interpersonal skills. I instantaneously collaborated with the principal in acquiring educational materials and developing after school learning programs.I have also worked on figureary matters relating to the implementation of assigned programs and performed administrative functions in implementing budgetary programs, policies and procedures. School and district budget were planned, reconciled and effectively managed. My exposure in managing school finances led me to discover that I had giving for budgeting and managing small teams. This has also confirmed my strong desire to focus my future career in business management.Having a solid educational background in geology, earth and environmental science, and vast exposure and produce in the field of management, education, research and statistics in the United States and India, I would like to further my studies in military control Administration by organism part of the graduate program in Rice University.Backed by my knowledge and experience in data analyses, data interpretation, research background and strong quantitative skills, I demand to have a stronger grasp of business management as I intend to be a Petroleum industry marketing and market research consultant after my graduate studies.I was impressed with the reason of cooperation and team spirit between the faculty members and students of Rice University when I visited the campus twice and spoke with Dr. Seetharaman and several students. I believe that with the small class size, personal interaction with fellow students and faculty, hands on training and subtile program of Rice University, I will gain more exposure and experience in relations with problems and issues related to the manag ement of business in relation to Petroleum industry.In the near future, I would like to take to heart my community by establishing a business so I can provide more jobs and land to the economy of the country. This is the best time to pursue a Masters in Business Administration arcdegree after gaining a vast experience in managing people with different background, attitudes, personality and academic achievement.After being a stay at home dad for two years, I could not wait to go back to school this fall to further my studies and eventually work and in a competitive and challenging field.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
To Regulate or Not to Regulate (Pick an area to apply the question to Research Paper
To Regulate or Not to Regulate (Pick an area to apply the question to it, as per the instructions) - Research Paper Example some say absolutely time others say emphatically not. It is the intention of this work to outline reliable viewpoints to deposit if self regulation is even a feasible contention. It is the overall determination of this research that it is not. Regulation of the banking brass is essential. Reforms are certainly called for, but completely free banking would be foolish and economically dangerous to the join States.Regulations were initially introduced to unify the banking industry, but, also, to protect the monies of the people and to encourage universal honesty in banking business practices. straightaway the regulations have been altered, reformed, and added to accommodate the changing times in comparison to the earliest appearances and the opinions about those regulations placed on the banking industry have been heavily debated and will probably continue to be so for a big time to come. There are viewpoints that stretch the entire spectrum of the topic. There are those that believe that there should be absolutely no regulations dedicated to banking. There are those that feel that the regulations need to be stronger and even stricter that they presently are. There are, also, those that remain somewhere in the middle on the issue. They feel some regulations are definitely in order, but are not certain if even more restrictions will actually solve the problems within the banking industry, or just make things much worse. So which viewpoint is right? Can the banking arranging be self regulated? Will the viewpoints ever find a compromise that result in a solution that is effective and successful?Would anyone feel comfortable depositing their hard earned money in a bank that did not possess FDIC insurance? Without that insurance and the regulations involved your money could become leveraged while the bank takes financial risks. If someth ing goes wrong and that money was lost banks would have little incentive or responsibility to you or that money.(Office
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Waterhouse Friderichsen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Waterhouse Friderichsen - Essay ExampleAs the discussion highlights the hypothetical boldness study will be a 35-year-old female enduring who was found with signs and symptoms associated with Waterhouse Friderichsen. A 35-year-old female patient got admitted after showing signs of high-grade fever accompanied by chills and vomiting over a layover of 7 daylights. The patient also had a skin rash on the abdomen and trunk, which appeared on the 5th day of infection. Following admission, the patient developed a hemorrhagic rash. On assessing the family history, there was no any probatory information to associate the infection with family history. Medical mental testing revealed that the patient was unstable, and there was the presence of cyanosis. The patient was afebrile with a pulse rate of 90/min and a systolic BP of 70mmHg.From this paper, it is clear that neurological examination revealed positive signs of Kerning and Brudzinski. There were rashes all over the body but predomin ated on the abdomen and trunk. Collection of CSF was through with(p) under aseptic conditions and its processing is through with(p) under standard bacteriological procedures. Microscopy on CSF was done routinely, and a cell count of 9400/mm3 was reported. Of the total cell count, 86% were polymorphs while 14% were lymphocytes. An increase in CSF proteins to 309mg% and a decrease in glucose to 20mg% were reported. A Gram stain preparation of the CSF revealed pus cells accompanied with gram-negative diplococcus. CSF cultures were done on MacConkey agar, chocolate agar, and blood agar and incubated overnight. After overnight incubation, there were tiny translucent colonies on blood agar and chocolate agar. Standard bacteriological procedures identified the tinny translucent colonies to be those of Neisseria meningitides. A CT scan conducted on the patient confirmed adrenal hemorrhage, which is present in Waterhouse Friderrichsen syndrome. Antibiotic sensitivity using 5 antibiotics sh owed no resistance to any of the antibiotics under examination.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
International entrepreneurship 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
International entrepreneurship 2 - Essay ExampleProvision of managerial Advice Governments have often found it necessary to intervene in SME operations as they play a crucial role in economic development. If the SMEs are of strategic importance to the nation therefore, the government can buoynot chance them collapsing due to the competitiveness of the international free markets (Carter and Evans 2012, p.50). Governments can intervene by use of the financial systems get in place in order to ensure that the small businesses managers are properly trained on financial and managerial operations. This would have the effect of increasing small businesses in the nation due to make up in expertise available and improved quality of service. In Germany after the destruction of the economy during initiation War II, small businesses were almost non-existent and the erection of the Berlin wall resulted in Eastern Germany lagging behind the West. As the two sides united in 1991, Eastern German ys small businesses stood at 80000 private craftsmanship firms with the largest employers having up to 1000 (Welter and Smallbone 2002, p.23). Due to the risks of lending money to such clients, German banks were instructed by the federal government to move out an active role in the operations of clients businesses. This included offering the clients advice this was to prevent the loss of their loans but likewise led to better security for the bank, as they were sure of how their investments were spent. Cross Border Entrepreneurship Cross brink entrepreneurship can occur through partnership agreements between neighbouring countries. Cross resound entrepreneurship (CBE) is when two or more countries pass on initiate business activities to meet the needs of the trading country. Therefore, with cross couch grapple, specialisation occurs on a national scale as SMEs begin to produce goods tailor made for the trading partner. Cross border entrepreneurship requires good regional rela tionships to take place and governments to initiate the activities before small businesses can start producing ancillary goods. The governments of the trading countries will have to have lower custom standards for goods from the selected countries. It has been observed that one unplanned reward that does result from CBE is an sum up in tourism from the trading countries (Welter, Smallbone and Xheneti 2012, p.203). These includes Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, which have implemented a cross border entrepreneurial policy that has seen Greece invest over 1.5 billion dollars in Bulgaria between 1995 and 2005 (Welter Smallbone and Xheneti 2012, p.90), which has led to an exponential increase in trade volumes. Albania was recently included and combined its agricultural resources with Bulgaria for Albania and Greece. The governments of the four countries have offered subsidies to their partnering countries while removing the trade barriers and protectionist policies other countries rec eive when trading. The unemployment problem in Greece has been a barrier to effective trading and until it is resolved, cross border trading will not be fully implemented. Subsidies Subsidies are incentives given by governments to various industries in order to promote growth and development in various fields. Small businesses do not get it on economies of scale and during the formative years, they will find themselves lacking in many facilities that larger
Monday, May 13, 2019
Research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research report - Essay Examplefor them to evaluate the needs and preferences of the customers base on their demographics and provide products and services which fit their individual needs.A research was conducted to identify the factors that contribute near to the selection of a particular hospital for delivery. The research used a survey method to become data from the respondents. A questionnaire was designed to which comprised of dichotomous questions, checklists and questions with a rating grid. The sample size composed of 270 individuals with 244 females and 26 males. The research helped Norton to successfully capture a glimpse of the demographics of the local population. The findings of the research showed that males and females significantly differ in rating the richness of different factors. Also it was apparent that females rate the factors highly than their male counterparts, so the importance of female as a target population was highlighted. In addition to that, the re search spotlighted the importance of educational level and how it could be used to segment the target market since individuals with different qualification levels rated different factors in a different manner. The study also emphasized on the importance of certain factors which will be helpful in increasing the brand equity. Those mainly include quality of care, friendliness of staff, maternity facilities and spick-and-spans report of hospital.Health care industry has undergone through massive changes and companies give birth increasingly become focused towards underdeveloped innovative strategies to attract and retain customers. Companies have recognized the importance of marketing research since a new trend was developed when Medicare started reimbursing hospitals by ways of Diagnose Related Illness (DRGs) rather than on the pedestal of costs. DRGs are basically an organized way to classify hospital cases that uses similar hospital resources (Reference). Patients have now bec ome savvier and they decide how they should be
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Educational Finance (Budget Calendar) Assignment
Educational Finance (Budget Calendar) - Assignment ExampleThere be steps to be followed in the computeing process. The first step is usually a review of the course of instruction and centering achievements and the financial performance of the year that is ab proscribed to end. The objectives ar therefore reviewed, the committee allow for comp are the cypher to the actual figures, and takes into account the number of people served during each program. The solution obtained after dividing true cost of the program by the number of people served will tending analyze the cost per unit of service. Hence, ne goals and objectives should be discussed and an consensus is reached. All the individuals and groups affected by the budget should be involved in the whole process. Consultations are inherent in the budgeting process. This would minimize unnecessary conflicts during or even after preparation of the budget. In addition, it would also help spearhead the implementation process. A school budget for instance should be inclusive of the parents and teachers as it will have an impact on them either directly or indirectly. Parents have a responsibility of paid school fees for their sons and daughters hence have exclusive rights for information on how school funds are used. At the govern level, it is the responsibility of the civilians to interrogate how fund are utilized in the development of infra-structural projects such as road construction, railway lines, hospitals, electrification projects among other social amenities. Because they pay taxes, it is their right to scrutinize how district budgeting committees prioritize their fiscal year spending spree through budgets. Budgets are alpha tools towards realization of goals and ambitions of any organization. Without budgets, it would be gruelling to anticipate what stands good or bad on the way of the organization. The School Budget Many stakeholders are usually involved in the budging process of schools. For instance, the representatives of school administration, the board of Governors, parents as well as budgeting experts mustiness be involved either directly or indirectly in the budgeting process. These representatives make up the budget committee. The staff and the Board must all participate in the budgeting process at all phases. The district Budget The budgeting process in the district primarily comprises three phases. First, is the budget formulation. Here the budget is understandably drawn with all-important priorities taken into consideration. The budgeting committee shall have employed thorough consultation among themselves and with the stakeholders and financial experts. The indorsement procedure would be the budget presentation and the congregational process (Van, 2011). This process would ensure that contentious issues are harmonized and attain amicable solution is attained. Members and other groups affected by the budget are allowed to expressage their reservations about the estimates. Some projects, which were under-estimated in financing, would therefore get much more funding than previously. In addition, those one, which had sooner enjoyed unnecessary huge allocations, would therefore have their finances cut down. Moreover, the white elephant projects would also be scrapped out at this particular stage. Many financial analysts argue that lack of financial expertise in intimately budgeting activities have seen many district waste funds in projects that are never viable at all or even those that they waste a lot of money in never to finish. However, it is important to
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Why does J. A. Fodor think that there must be a language of thought Is Essay
wherefore does J. A. Fodor think that there must be a language of thought Is he right - undertake ExampleSpecifically, Fodor advanced a notion of a language of thought. Fodors Language of Thought surmisal (LOTH) states that the thought process occurring in the sound judgement is a symbolical system that parallels a language in structure. Jerry Fodors presented LOTH in his aptly titled book The Language of Thought (Fodor 1975). Through an exam the major plat course of actions of the LOTH hypothesis, as well as prominent criticisms, this essay examines the extent that Fodor is successful in articulating the existence of a language of thought. Language of Thought Philosophers have formulated LOTH by considering the multiplicity of thoughts, or propositional attitudes. One can identify propositional attitudes in sentences like A wishes that B, or A thinks that B, or A intends that B. A is the subject of attitude, B is the sentence, and that B is the proposition or the object of th e attitude. If we say that C stands for verbs like wishes, thinks, and intends, then the propositional attitude sentences would take the form A Cs that B. Therefore, LOTH can be considered as a hypothesis that features how we create propositional attitudes in our psychic language, and how we relate our thought and cerebration with them. Our abstract thinking takes place in a psychological representation of language-like structure however, this is not direct representation of spoken language. Rather, this language of thought is a form of representation where the human mind perceives concepts and symbolizes them rather than using words for those concepts. Hence, the mind uses internal forms of representation, contrastive from tralatitious linguistic words, to represent these concepts. Still, these symbols combine to form mental sentences, called the propositional attitudes, which are consistent with the grammatical rules of language. This conceptual thinking has a computational nature that extracts thinking from processing the series of mental symbols according to algorithms. figural Theory Jerry Fodor specifically implements representational theory in supporting his position (Fodor 1987). According to representational theory, thinking occurs in the form of symbols that are actually the propositional attitudes described earlier (Fodor 1987). While Fodor argues that propositional attitudes should be represented not only as symbols but also as a language, he believes this language of thought is different from spoken and written languages like English, French or German (Fodor 1987). Consider the following I acquiret want to eat ladyfingers, so Id better tell mom to reconcile me French fries. According to representational theory, there is a state of a section of this individuals headway that represents his or her unwillingness to eat ladyfingers (Fodor 1987). There is another section of this individuals sense that represents his or her way of avoiding lad yfingers namely, to tell their mom to cook something else (Fodor 1987). Thirdly, there is a small piece of brain circuitry that is linking these two states and instigating an action (Fodor 1987). LOTH asserts that the representation of the decision in this example here has to be structured. That is, it has to be structured just like a sentence articulating that decision. Fodors LOTH further states that the structure of symbolic representation in the mind and the linguistic representation of that symbolic representation must be related. That is, the structure of the brain state matching the decision of eating French fries will be identical to the structure of the sentence articulating the decision. One considers another example There is a suspicion crossing my mind that a rat is under my bed
Friday, May 10, 2019
Comparison of Ground Support Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Comparison of give Support Systems - Essay ExampleThis essay discusses ground sustentation that has been employed in underground mines in order to ascertain the security and protection of the personnel as well as the equipment working on that point as well as to fulfill the desired engineering purpose of the aperture. The stimulatemass around an aperture may be considerably fragmented and fractured as a result of the combination of stresses, discontinuities and likewise, because of the blasting activities for the returnion or training purposes. Also, pieces of rock, that may range from a few grams to many tones in mass, may fall or pour forth into the openings of the mine as a result of gravity. Moreover, rock can be violently dumped into the mine openings because of the unstable bursting. The support methods bring in been developed in order to avoid the falling or ejection of the rock into the mine openings. Screen mesh, resin or mechanical rock bolts, and plain or reinfor ced shotcrete have been found to be the indispensable features of the production cycle of mining in Canada for year and have modify in the safety of the operator and the equipment along with enhancing the recovery of the minerals. Beginning from the late 1980s, Urylon Plastics Inc. (previously Guelph, Ontario) and in the present times, exploit guard Canada , in association with the Department of Mining Engineering at Queens University and the MIROC - Mining Industry query Organization of Canada created an innovative and new rock support system that is known as MIROC MineguardTM. MIROC Mineguard comprises of a thin, persistent and highly flexible 2-component polyurethane spray-on liner. The RockguardTM is another polyurethane/polyurea hybrid liner, which has been developed by Futura Coatings Incorporation in Missouri, USA, has become available recently. MineguardTM and Rockguard are considered as the best forms of spray-on liners and both of them will referred as polymer liner sup port in this study. The other spray-on products under testing and development are Master Builders epoxy-based product and Fosrocs latex-based Tekflex product. All systems have been demonstrated not only in the laboratory but in any case in the underground so that they may work in a various ways. The technical aspects and properties of any support system have been documented well in the literature. Each support system has slightly technical constraints and benefits, but they will not be included in detail in this study. Although world technically sound with respect to engineering concepts, however, it is also vital to take in to account that whether it is also cost effective or not, and that how each method
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Critical literary essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Critical literary - Essay Examplethe Magi O hydrogen primarily deals with the passion of two opposite sexes for each other, at the inner level of it, he leaves a message that is more serious than it sounds on the surface level. It is the message that appeals to the readers to review their own relationship with their female counterpart of the society.For those readers who argon not acquainted with some of his other stories like Hearts and pass on, the Romance of a Busy Broker and Girl may easily mistake his handling of jockey between Jim and Della for an anecdote that is devoid of any complex theme. In this regard Rena Korb says, The majority of critics then dubbed O. Henrys stories facile, anecdotal, superficial, and flippant (1). But these stories fairly play the role of a foil to the Gift of the Magi. time reading the Gift of the Magi a reader may perceive the amorous bond between Jim and Della as it is. But when one reads the Romance of the Busy Broker, he is confronted with t he question what love should be and straight off the answer lies in the reflection of the Gift of the Magi that love is as unconditional and spontaneous as Jim-Dellas is. Therefore the themes in these stories atomic number 18 complementary to each other that integrate into a more holistic view of Henry about the amorous relationship between opposite sexes.When critics comment that the Gift of the Magi is zero point more than a mere anecdote, it is the problem of their approach that fails to delve deep into the message of the author. As the formalist critics are exclusively engaged with the authors intention and style, they cannot interpret the message that the author leaves it in his explanation for his readers. Hence the reader-response approach to Henrys stories is more holistic than the formalist approach. In general, critics on the story, the Gift of the Magi are of the opinion that his approach to human passion like love is more of the fantasy than of
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Tesco Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Tesco Assignment - Case Study ExampleIn this regard, frameworks of strategic management like, PESTLE, hall porters competitive forces and value chain analytic thinking, has been employed.The first part of the news report discusses macro environmental issues, which affects the U.K. fodder retail industry. This is followed by analysis of Porters competitive forces to evaluate parameters that affect competitiveness of the business. The element of the report containing the internal strategic analysis deals with financial appraisal, resource appraisal and value chain analysis. The penult section of the report comprises ethical practices that have been adopted by the Tesco. The last section presents the recommendations that can be adopted by Tesco so as to overcome current issues that are being faced by the company and maintain its position as the market leader.The findings from the report indicate that weak economic conditions in Europe can dampen future increase of the business. T he first recommendation for the company is to introduce get down costs and discounts in the future in order to retain market share. The changing pattern of food for thought consumption in U.K. and rising popularity of organic food will be essential determining factors for growth of the food retail industry. So, the second recommendation focuses on change magnitude availability of cheap organic food. The analysis from the report has shown that sale in U.K. has dropped for Tesco. This paper suggests that increasing promotional measures can raise the sales. Owing to increasing concern of the government regarding environmental issues, this paper recommends that further sustainability can be attained by adopting postcode saving practices. Finally, the analysis has also revealed that dialogue with the customers have weakened, which is hindering business growth. The final recommendation of the report is that engagement with the customers must be strengthened in way of modifying existin g practices or adopting new ones.In any modern industry,
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Gender Differences and Similarities between the United States and Term Paper
Gender Differences and Similarities mingled with the fall in States and Afghanistan - Term Paper ExampleThe alliance in the US has undergone great transformation overtime small-arm that of Afghanistan has resisted the forces of globalization with small changes taking place over time1. This term paper focuses on the sex differences and similarities between the United States and Afghanistan. Most of the differences between these two nations are founded on the differences between the traditional customary practices in Afghanistan and the modern setting of the American society. As a result, there exist many differences between the sex activity roles in both countries than similarities. Gender Differences and Similarities between the United States and Afghanistan There have been consistent principles in the Afghanistan society in matters concerning gender role. The principles reveal differences between genders in regards to the roles of the women and men in the society. On the other side, in US, there exist differences between the both genders and there are limited differences between the roles played by men and women. Gender reforms have continued in US overtime, and are jump outed by about of the citizens. Contrary, in Afghanistan gender reforms have been limited despite the existence of contentious issues that need to be changed2. Since American gained independence in 1776, the gender reforms have continued to be implemented and the reforms are geared towards guarantying gender equality. In Afghanistan, the gender reforms that have faced great resistance, and are responsible for the 1929 fall of King Amanullah for his support of gender reforms3. The differences and similarities between the two distinct societies are displayed by the society level of transformation, acceptance, or rejection of change. The governments in the two nations have also played a critical role in the differences and similarities. Whereas the US is a democratic federal presidential constitutional republic, the Afghanistan has recently adopted a democratic government in 2004, and the gender reforms are still underway but in a slow rate. More so, the cast of major semipolitical parties in Afghanistan is nine whereas in US, they are two major parties. The number of political parties reveals the degree of democracy and the ease with which the government can make and implement policies. Similarities between the men and women in the United States and Afghanistan Despites resistance by some individuals who are non-reformist, a number of the Afghanistan women along with those of American subscriber line have been allowed by their respective constitutions to serve in the public offices. However, those of Afghan origin are fewer because it comprises only those in the urban centers and can have access to higher education. More so, the Afghanistan education arranging approximatelyly encourages education of the boy child. Majority of the American women have equal edu cation and employment hazard as the men. Many of the women work in major(postnominal) public and private positions. Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Condoleezza Rice are among the most senior women public servants in the US history. In Afghanistan, very few women serve in senior government positions since most are not sufficiently educated and the educated are discriminated by the male person dominated society4. Irrespective of that fact, reforms are taking place and it is expected that the effective equal employment luck for all gender will be achieved in the future. In reference to their
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